OFI builds partnerships with local Marin County businesses with the goal of placing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities into the workforce. We provide customized employment services that; offer businesses the opportunity to enhance workforce diversity, and offer our individuals the opportunity to bring their unique contributions to the workplace.
Our individualized employment services include assessments, work readiness training and job coaching that prepares individuals to enter the workforce and maintain employment. Each individual completes a four-domain assessment that covers; Social Engagement and Integration, Health and Wellness, Job Readiness and Employment. The assessment helps identify job readiness strengths and areas for growth. Job Readiness and Employment goals are set, informed by the individual’s areas of strength and interest. OFI Job Coaches use community integration with job readiness activities that prepare individuals to enter the workforce. Once a certain level of job readiness is established, individuals are linked to paid employment.
Our work readiness services are designed to offer "protected successes" in the community, so individuals can apply their new skills with the support of a Job Coach. We offer a curriculum called Specific Natural Activity Program (SNAP), Classes focus on Job Readiness, Health and Wellness, Socialization and Integration and Employment. Community volunteering that exposes individuals to a variety of work settings prepares them for the final step to employment.
OFI has found that low staffing ratios and consistent behavioral support increases the likelihood of success for our individuals. Flexibility in scheduling and strong interpersonal relationships make it possible for us to keep individuals engaged in meaningful employment. Many of our individuals express an interest in working so they can make money. An increase in income helps build self- esteem and creates the opportunity for a wider range of choices as their earnings increase.
Once a worker is placed with a Job Coach, they are accompanied to the job site by the Job Coach and they work together to develop a system for completing the tasks that are part of the job. The coach works alongside the individual to provide support and ensure that the various pieces of the job are done correctly and completely.